Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by Cumming Agency & Studios Pty Ltd ACN 077 437 239  ("Cumming Agency & Studios") via the website located at

How to contact us about privacy

We respect your privacy and it is important to us. For that reason, please read the following details carefully. If you have any questions you can contact us on:

Phone: (02) 9690 9200
43-53 Vine St

Darlington NSW 2008

Collection and Purpose

We may collect personal information from you in the course of using the website if you enter any personal information within the website. In addition, we may also collect cookies from your computer, which enable us to tell when you use the website and also to help customise our communications with you.
The purpose for which we collect personal information is to provide you with the most relevant content possible.


Except as required by law, we disclose personal information only to our service providers who assist us in communicating marketing information to you.
Except as required by law, we will only disclose personal information to an unrelated third party with your consent.

Access and correction

National Privacy Principle 6 of the Australian Privacy Act allows you to obtain access to, and correct, the personal information we hold about you in certain circumstances. If you would like to obtain such access, please contact by either of the ways set out above.

Resolving Problems Related To Your Privacy

If you want to make a complaint about your private information or make a complaint about a possible privacy breach regarding access to your personal information, please contact us on via any of the 3 ways above.

We have an internal process to address such issues. The Office of Australian Information Commissioner ("OAIC") suggests you allow 30 days for Cumming Agency & Studios to respond to your privacy complaint. If you are not satisfied with our decision or response, you can direct your complaint to the OAIC in 1 of 4 ways:

The OAIC online "Privacy Complaint Form" at

By mail (if you have concerns about postal security, you may wish to consider sending your complaint by registered mail);

By fax (02) 9284 9666

By email:


We have processes in place to ensure the security of your personal information and limitations on access to personal information within our organisation. We also rely on our service providers (such as website hosting service and cloud data service storage providers) to keep your information secure.

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Address:‎ 43-53 Vine St,
Darlington NSW 2008
Phone: (02) 9690 9200
ABN : 48 077 437 239

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